26 May, 2010

The first playtest.

It's a big milestone in the development of 'The Ball Is Too fast'. As of today, we've sent out the first build to a bunch of helpful friends and colleagues. We're already getting a bunch of useful feedback and the 'to-do list before release' is slowly growing again. Where, a few weeks ago, I felt nervous about the idea of other people playing the game, I now feel rather excited. I hope that is a good sign!



    btw. "this site is to empty" but i guess its in the style/settings of the development ;p

    gl guys

  2. Oh snap! You went there.

    It's true, we probably should put up some screenshots already. Still working out some things in terms of hosting. I assure you that sometime during now and the end of this year, we will put screens up. Maybe. xD
