21 September, 2010

Release date? It's decidedly so!

Daan and I are proud to announce that 'The Ball Is Too Fast, The Game Is Too Slow, The Name is Too Long' will  release on September the 26th. It is surely a day that will live in infamy. A day that future generations will look back on, as they sip Space Martini's, overlooking our blue jewel, from their Space Balcony™ in space. They will look at each other and nod in agreement, that on that day... That is where it all began.


It'll just be another Sunday, but dammit if we aren't excited!!


  1. *bows to the almighty Hylian Jedi*

  2. finally ffs ! ;p

    No, great news guys. hope the game will pick up. I enjoyed playing it :D
